If your´re going through the heS%S%BOOKMOBI$x   U MOBI=]0. @EXTH8dSimonkaicitanie.madness.skIf your´re going through the hell, keep going
If your´re going through the hell, keep going

If your´re going through the hell, keep going


eKnihy na citanie.madness.sk

Copyright © 2011 Andrej Probst


Every day you wake up with the feeling that everything is as it should be.

You wake up, go to wash yourself, get dressed, have your breakfast and give your wife a good morning kiss.

You drive your children to the school, and get stuck in a traffic jam.

You're late but your boss forgives you since you're essential to the company.

You do nothing until four o'clock, since everything is being done by your subordinates.

At four, you take your briefcase, get into your car and drive home.

You have dinner, go to bed and the morning repeats itself.

But when you get to work you know that something is wrong.

The police is there.

They take you to the office, they interrogate you.

There you find out that your boss took the money and fled.

The company is fucked and went bankrupt. 

You've got depts.

You have to sell the house.

Without money, your wife leaves you.

She grabs the kinds and goes to her mother's place, your friends vanished.

You're left alone on the street.

But you don't leave things like that.

You stand up and you climb out from hell itself.

After years of hard work, you are once again among ordinary people and you start to enjoy life once again.

Zdrojová stránka: http://citanie.madness.sk/view-15391.php
Pridané dňa: 1. júla 2008
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